Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How Does Chiropractic Work

Experience Chiropractic

Our culture has reached the point where we must take a second look at certain established beliefs for the way we are being influenced in regards to our health care and the health care of our children. It seems as though the time has come to consider using conservative methods instead of simply following the accepted norms, and time to look at prevention in terms of nutrition, exercise, and chiropractic care…all of which allow the body to heal itself naturally, just like it was designed to do!

How Does Chiropractic Work

Chiropractic health care is a branch of the healing arts which is based on the scientific principle that our nervous system controls or influences the function of all 11 trillion interconnected cells in our body. The term “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek words “cheiro” and “praktikos,” meaning “done by hand.”
The Chiropractic or wellness model of health is centered on the philosophy that the human body will heal itself given the right opportunity. In other words, the body heals from the inside out.
Interference to the nervous system, caused by a vertebral subluxation complex (more commonly called a subluxation) will affect how the nervous system relates to the cells which it influences.
Think of nerve irritation like a dimmer switch on you lights. If the dimmer is turned down, the lights are still on, but the light is low. If it is turned up too high, the bulb may burn out prematurely. Therefore the muscle or organ still receives the nerve impulse, but it is altered. This helps to explain why when nerve irritation exists in the middle back region, an individual may experience indigestion or an upset stomach.
Doctors of chiropractic (DC) essentially promote the healing process by minimizing interference to the nervous system. By detecting and correcting nerve interference, doctors of chiropractic facilitate the healing process, but it is your body that does the healing!

Understanding Ear Infections

Over 110 million prescriptions for antibiotics were written last year. Experts say that up to half were unnecessary or ineffective. That means approximately 55 million prescriptions were taken, oftentimes by our children to treat ear infections, which were unfortunately useless!
Acute otitis media (AOM) is defined as, “fluid in the middle ear accompanied by signs or symptoms of ear infection.” Although uncertainty exists among experts as to the best solution for treating AOM, antibiotics continue to be a first line of defense for the medical profession.
Recent research is beginning to reveal the ineffectiveness of antibiotics to treat this illness. In fact, The New England Journal of Medicine reported, “Only 1 in 8 children with ear infections benefit from antibiotics, and researchers found that most subjects who received placebo recovered just as quickly as subjects taking prescription antibiotics.” The study continued, “Within one week 81% of placebo subjects had recuperated.”
Of most importance, however, was that the lead author of this study, Dr. J. Owen Hendley, shared these same concerns about prescription side effects and antibiotic resistance that chiropractors and other holistic health-care professionals have worried about for decades. He advised physicians to prescribe antibiotics for ear infections sparingly, and suggested that practitioners wait 48 to 72 hours before administering drugs as ear infections often mend on their own.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) also found that “amoxicillin is not effective” and “concluded that children who took the drug for ear infections were two to six times more likely to have a recurrence of their fluid buildup.” Despite this information, amoxicillin still remains the number one prescribed drug for ear infections. JAMA also found that only 58% of all myrinotomies (tubes in the ears) were necessary.
Many studies have shown the strong connection between neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction of the Eustachian tube (a tube that “drains” the ear) and middle ear infections. Nerve interference caused by vertebral subluxations in the upper part of the neck can lead to improper functioning of the Eustachian tube. Specific chiropractic spinal adjustments reduce the nerve interference, improving the function of the Eustachian tube, and allow the middle ear to heal naturally.

Understanding Your Neck Pain

Imagine trying to balance a bowling ball on a stick. To make it more difficult, tilt the stick forward while trying to maintain balance of the bowling ball. That’s what it’s like trying to support your head on your neck if it loses its natural curve.

how does chiropractic work

Your neck was created with a built-in shock absorber called a curve or lordosis. This was formed by design because the curve acts like a spring and absorbs the shock of your head resting on your neck. Think of the same bowling ball now resting on a large spring…can you see and feel the difference?
When your neck loses its curve, the ligaments supporting your neck become stretched and lose their ability to maintain the curve. This can occur from a motor vehicle accident, chronic poor posture or uncorrected vertebral subluxation complexes.
Once your neck has lost its normal curve, your neck and shoulder muscles attempt to hold your head in the proper position. Unfortunately they were not created for this and they tire easily. Unless you decide to let your head drop into your lap, your neck muscles will have to continue holding up your head long after becoming fatigued. That’s precisely when muscle spasms occur, and tightness begins in your neck and shoulders.
A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine compared three modes of treatment to determine which was the most effective in improving mobility and reducing neck pain. One hundred eighty-three patients between the ages of 18 and 70, who had reported neck pain for a minimum two-week period, participated in the study.
Group one received continued routine care by a medical doctor and were ordered to take pain medication and rest; group two received chiropractic adjustments; and group three underwent physical therapy and a supervised exercise regimen.
After several weeks of treatment, 68.3% of patients who received adjustments reported that they were either “completely recovered,” or had significantly improved as a result of treatment — compared with only 50.8% the physical therapy group and 35.9% of patients under a medical physician’s care.
If you’re experiencing neck pain, ask your doctor of chiropractic to assist you in restoring your neck’s normal curvature. This may include stretches and exercises, cervical traction, and an orthotic pillow created specifically for maintaining the proper curvature of your neck.

Understanding Your Spine

A short course in the basics of spinal anatomy is tremendously helpful in understanding why the chiropractic profession is the number one source of alternative care in the world. Hang in there — it will be well worth it!
The central nervous system (the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord) is connected to the peripheral nervous system (the spinal and peripheral nerves) and controls the way we move and function. Our skull protects our brain and most of our brain stem, and the spine provides protection to our spinal cord and spinal nerves.
The spine is a column of small bones called “vertebrae” that supports the entire upper body. The column is grouped into three sections: the cervical spine (neck), the thoracic spine (middle back), and the lumbar spine (lower back).
Vertebrae in the spinal column are separated from each other by small “cushions” of cartilage known as inter (between) vertebral (spinal bones) discs. The vertebrae and discs combine to create a space (called the intervertebral foramina or IVF) for each spinal nerve to exit from the spinal cord on its way to the body. Abnormal positioning of the vertebrae (also known as the vertebral subluxation complex or nerve impingement syndrome) can compromise the IVF or nerve space, and create nerve irritation or nerve interference. The nerve will still influence the muscle or organ it supplies, however the quality of the nerve transmission will be affected.
Here’s one of the most important concepts to grasp: nerve interference may occur without a trace of symptoms. Read that one more time. Nerve interference may occur without the trace of any symptoms.
This point allows a sharper understanding of the wellness approach to health. Just like brushing our teeth before we get cavities, uncovering nerve interference before symptoms arise is a foundational principle of chiropractic care.
Once detected, your doctor of chiropractic is uniquely trained to apply spinal adjustments. In fact although other professionals utilize spinal adjustments as part of their treatment, doctors of chiropractic deliver 94% of all spinal adjustments.
Although each individual responds differently to chiropractic care, research reveals that most are very satisfied with the care they receive. In fact, a recent Gallup Poll of chiropractic patients conducted for the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) yielded some remarkable results about patients’ opinions of the care they received:
  • 73% felt that most or all of their expectations were met.
  • 80% were satisfied with the chiropractic services they received.
  • 90% of chiropractic patients considered their chiropractic treatment to be effective.

Remember, although the wellness approach to health may take some getting used to, especially if you are accustomed to a sickness model of health, it is certainly well worth it!

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